Absence Seizures

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: triggered by hyperventilation, 3 hz spike and wave on EEG, no aura or postictal phase

Notes: Treat with ethosuximide or valproic acid

Question: What fits these findings?

Acute Cerebellar Ataxia

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: truncal ataxia a week after a viral syndrome, speech difficulty, horizontal nystagmus, self-resolves in months

Acute Flaccid Myelitis

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: droopy eyelids, hypotonia, hyporeflexia, difficulty with speech, pain in extremities and back, temperature instability, respiratory failure, spinal cord lesion in gray matter on MRI, CSF with elevated WBCs

Notes: Treated with supportive care and rehab.

Benign Rolandic Epilepsy

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: centrotemporal spikes on EEG, autosomal dominant inheritance, occurs at night, may occur while awake, may be associated with tics

Question: What fits these findings?


Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: progressive descending weakness in infant, poor suck, ptosis, urinary retention

Notes: Caused by botulism toxin from Clostridium botulinum inhibiting release of acetylcholine. Treat supportively, intubate if necessary, and with antitoxin.

Question: What fits these findings?

Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: calf atrophy, pes cavus, clumsiness, foot drop, autosomal dominant in CMT1, diagnosed by nerve conduction tests

Notes: Treat with physical therapy

Dandy Walker Malformation

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: macrocephaly, vomiting, missing cerebellar vermis, extra fluid in 4th ventricle, delayed motor development

Notes: Associated with Phaces syndrome - posterior fossa abnormality, hemangioma, arterial anomalies, cardiac anomalies, eye anomalies, sternal defect.

Question: What fits these findings?

Epidural Abscess Of Spine

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: fever, pain, increased reflexes, paresthesias that may become paralysis, lack of sensation, loss of bladder and bowel control, mass near spine

Erb Palsy

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: brachial plexus injury at c5-c7, waiters tip, potential unilateral diaphragmatic paralysis, intact grasp reflex

Friedreich Ataxia

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: clumsy adolescent, high plantar arch, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus

Notes: Autosomal recessive. Chromosome 9q13.

Question: What fits these findings?

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: numbness and weakness of lower extremities, no pleocytosis in CSF, normal glucose and high protein in CSF, ascending weakness, diminished reflex, urinary retention

Guillain-Barre Syndrome

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: fever, back pain, proximal muscle weakness, facial palsy, ascending paralysis, preserved sensation

Notes: Do an LP to look for increased CSF protein without increased WBCs. Treat with IVIG or plasmapheresis. Consider tick paralysis as a differential, but this will likely have ocular signs like fixed and dilated pupils, and elevated WBCs on LP.

Question: What fits these findings?

Horner Syndrome

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: ptosis, miosis, anhidrosis, T1 lesion

Notes: Associated with Klumpke palsy

Huntington Disease

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: autosomal dominant inheritance, CAG repeats, rigidity, chorea, emotional lability, hypotonia and dementia in adults

Infantile Spasms

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: nonfocal seizures, flexion and extension of whole body, hypsarrhythmia

Notes: Associated with tuberous sclerosis

Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: upper extremity myoclonus soon after awakening, usually starts in adolescence, treated with valproic acid, generalized or absence seizures, 4 to 6 Hz spike waves

Notes: Usually needs lifelong anti-convulsant therapy.

Question: What fits these findings?

Klumpke Palsy

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: brachial plexus injury at c8-t1, claw hand, inability to grasp, potential Horner syndrome

Myasthenia Gravis

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: ptosis, waxing and waning weakness, diminished reflexes, treated with pyridostigmine-steroids-plasmapheresis, associated with thymoma

Notes: Intubate if respiratory issues are seen.

Myotonic Dystrophy

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: slow relaxation after contractions, normal CK, distal weakness in hands and legs, associated with endocrine and gastrointestinal problems, progressive muscle weakness and wasting

Question: What fits these findings?

Nerve Conduction Velocities

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: peripheral neuropathy

Notes: This includes diabetic neuropathy, Guillain-Barr, and vitamin B12 deficiency.

Question: What test should you order if you are concerned about the following?

Somatosensory Evoked Potentials

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: demyelinating disease

Question: What test should you order if you are concerned about the following?

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: tongue fasciculations, hypotonia, normal CK, normal sensation

Notes: Only motor ability is affected as this is a disease of the anterior horn of spinal cord.


Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: repetitive rhythmic movements, body rocking, head nodding, autism, able to be stopped with distraction

Notes: May resolve in childhood but sometimes persists into adulthood

Tick Paralysis

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: acute ascending paralysis, ataxia, dilated pupils, normal CSF, lack of fever, caused by salivary neurotoxin

Notes: Remove tick. May look like Gullain-Barre.

Question: What fits these findings?

Todd Paralysis

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: focal motor weakness after a seizure

Tourette Syndrome

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: two motor tics and one vocal tic, treated with clonidine or guanfacine in severe cases

Notes: ADHD meds may worsen tics. Switch medications or decrease dose.

Transverse Myelitis

Category: generalpediatrics-Neurology

Findings: bladder and bowel dysfunction, increased reflexes, history of fever and back pain, neutrophilia in CSF, inflammation in spinal cross-section on MRI

Notes: Treat with IV corticosteroids. If not effective, may need plasmapheresis.

Question: What fits these findings?